x2023 London City of Music Expo
Date and Time
Thursday Mar 30, 2023
2:00 PM - 10:00 PM EDT
RBC Place London
300 York Street,
London ON N6B 1P8
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Julia Cunningham
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Visit the London City of Music Expo website
The London City of Music Expo is a day-long event that will celebrate London's unique status as the only UNESCO designated City of Music in Canada, while showcasing how music contributes to our local economy, our community, and our culture.
With a tradeshow, various free seminars, and musical performances, this is marketed to attract a broad spectrum of Londoners both within and from outside of the music industry.
Music Performances (Main & Acoustic Stages)
- 2:30PM - Chad Price
- 4:00PM - DJ Deemz, Jag.Huligin and Amanda Movio
- 5:30PM - Sunshine Makers
- 7:00PM - Eleanor Gerbou, Fiker and Nathan Kerr
- 8:30PM - Sarina Haggarty
- 9:15PM - Texas King
To view 2023 London City of Music Expo Seminar videos, please visit our YouTube channel.
3:15 PM - UNESCO's Creative Cities Network. What are Creative Cities? Where are they? And why is London one of them!?
The UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN) was created in 2004 to promote cooperation with and among cities that have identified creativity as a strategic factor for sustainable urban development.
Almost 300 cities around the world which currently make up this network work together towards a common objective: placing creativity and cultural industries at the heart of their development plans at the local level and cooperating actively at the international level. Find out why UNESCO chose London as a City of Music and learn how this designation can power the revitalization of our city.Moderator - Natalie Wakabayashi, Tourism London
Luis Patricio - Lecturer, Huron University | SDG Cities Project Lead, Pillar Nonprofit Network
Rainer Kern - UNESCO City of Music Focal Point & Special Advisor to the Mayor of Mannheim
Cory Crossman - London Music Office -
4:45PM - The Mastering of a Music City. Remarks by and a fireside chat with the Honourable Neil Lumsden, Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport
Join Minister Lumsden for his thoughts on London?s development as a regional hub for music, films, sports, and tourism. After his introductory remarks, the Minister will join Graham Henderson, Mark McAuley, and Miranda Mullholand for a brief fireside chat.
The Minister and the panel will be Introduced by Yola S. Ventresca. Yola is a Partner at Lerner?s Law Firm.
Graham Henderson. Graham is the CEO of the London Chamber of Commerce and spent 30 years in the music industry and during that time was instrumental in developing the concept of a ?music city?.
Miranda Mulholland. Miranda is one of the world's foremost artist advocates and has been invited to speak at the WTO, WIPO, a USMCA negotiating round in Washington, CMW, MIDEM, Banff World Media Festival, Artist Rights Symposium at University of Georgia, Copyright Society of the USA. She was the first creator to take the podium at the Economic Club of Canada. She holds the position of Creative Culture Advisor at Music Canada.
Mark McAuley. Mark is an Associate in the Business Law Group at Lerners LLP in its London office. He has a keen interest in entrepreneurship, technology, and the arts and entertainment sector. Mark is active in the community as a board member of London Symphonia and as an executive member of the Black at Western Alumni Association. Prior to law school, Mark enjoyed a career as a musician performing with the Juno-nominated group, the McAuley Boys.
6:15PM - Careers in Music. Behind every star are hundreds of people. They have amazing careers. Who are they and what do they do?
The Panel will be introduced by Andrew Murray. Andrew is a Partner at Lerner's Law Firm.
This seminar will be moderated by Mark McAuley. Mark is an Associate in the Business Law Group at Lerner's Law Firm in it's London office.
Our panelists are:
Dan Brodbeck. Dan is a Juno award-winning, and Grammy-nominated Canadian record producer, mixer/engineer, and recording engineering professor based out of London, Ontario. He teaches in Fanshawe?s MIA program.
Margaret McGuffin. Margaret is the CEO of Music Publishers Canada and is a results-oriented senior management professional with experience in strategy and business planning. Her career has focused on research and policy development related to the cultural and media industries.
Everton Lewis Jr. Everton is skilled in Music Supervision & Licensing, Marketing Strategy, Digital Marketing, Social Media, and Music. Strong operations professional with a BA focused in MIT - Media, Info & Technoculture from The University of Western Ontario. He is the Brand Music Supervisor - PRO Unlimited at Apple.
- 7:45PM - MUSIC : The Power behind a Vibrant, Inclusive Downtown Core
Join our Mayor?s Roundtable to discuss how a vibrant music scene could profoundly alter our downtown environment for the better.
The Panel will be introduced by David Lyons, Partner at Lerners.
Our Moderator is Miranda Mulholland.
Our panelists are:
Josh Morgan - Mayor, City of London (keynote remarks)
Cheryl Finn, General Manager, Tourism London
Eunju Yi, Executive Director, London Arts Council
Graham Henderson, CEO London Chamber of Commerce.