v2025 Meet the Candidates - London North Centre
Date and Time
Friday Feb 14, 2025
8:00 AM - 10:30 AM EST
London Chamber of Commerce
244 Pall Mall St, Suite 101
London, ON
N6A 5P6

The event will include refreshments and an informal meet and greet with the candidates. For our formal portion of the event, each candidate will have the opportunity to answer prepared questions as well as questions from the audience concerning how their party will support business both at the provincial and local level.
- Terence Kernaghan - Ontario NDP
- Carol Dyck - Ontario Greens
- Tariq Khan - Ontario Liberal
If you are a candidate from outside the listed parties, please contact us at least one week before the event to ensure participation.
Note: It is the policy of the London Chamber of Commerce to only invite candidates from parties with at least one member sitting in legislature.
St. Thomas & District Chamber of Commerce will host a London Middlesex Candidates event on February 11 from 4-6 PM at CASO Station. Please visit their website for more information
Photography and Video Disclaimer: The London Chamber of Commerce reserves the right to photograph, record, and livestream this event. These photos and videos may be used in publications, posters and/or graphics. By registering for this event, you understand and acknowledge that your photograph and videos with you in them may be taken and used, per the discretion of the London Chamber of Commerce.