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Marsh Canada Limited


Insurance Broker

About Us

Marsh is a global leader in the insurance industry. The largest broker in the world. Being able to offer the strength of a global team with local presence is a winning combination. Specializing in risk management services, loss control consulting with expert advice by industry. Helping businesses and individuals understand the risk they take on. Protecting owners and individual’s assets is our goal. Helping companies and business transfer risk or avoid risk wherever possible. From contracts to your next hire. Risk comes in many forms and is always changing.

Rep/Contact Info

Dan Coyle
Jillian Donsberger
Vice President
  • Phone: (519) 663-5799
  • Fax: (519) 673-6691
Rosalee Dow
Colin Egelton
Vice President
  • Phone: (519) 663-5071
Martha Fraser
Gwyneth Hall (Mercer Canada)
Mary Lynch
Dawn Robinson
Terri Saubolle
Judi Smith
Corporate Growth Leader
  • Phone: (519) 663-5367
  • Fax: (519) 673-6691
Christine Young

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