Artificial Intelligence and Data Act Policy Paper

The London Chamber of Commerce has officially submitted a policy paper to the Canadian Chamber of Commerce in regards to the Artificial Intelligence and Data Act that is included in Bill C-27. This paper points out some flaws with the current draft of the act and some possible solutions that will help make the act more effective and ensure that Canada’s tech sector can remain competitive. While the act does include a large investment into AI, the major concerns are the regulations that will be placed on the tech sector as well as how those regulations are put in place. The recommendations for the government as set out in this paper are as follows:

  1.  Evaluate the need for more public consultation when the legislation is being rolled out.
  2. Ensure that the regulations imposed on the industry allow it to remain competitive with other countries including our major trading partners
  3. Separate AIDA from Bill C-27 to ensure that it receives due attention and is not held back by other controversial legislation.
  4. Clarify what makes an AI system “high impact” to better enforce the regulations.
  5. Ensure that the position of AI and Data Commissioner is separate from the Minister of Innovation and is an independent officer of Parliament similar to the Federal Privacy Commissioner.

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Candace Laing to Head Canadian Chamber of Commerce

The Canadian Chamber of Commerce has announced that Candace Laing will step in as their new CEO beginning on September 1st. Born and raised in Saskatchewan, where her family maintains a longstanding farming operation, Ms. Laing brings her experience as a senior executive with more than two decades of experience with both the private and public sectors. During her ten years with Nutrien and its predecessor company, PotashCorp, Ms. Laing served on Nutrien’s executive team as Senior Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer, and as Vice President of Sustainability and Stakeholder Relations. She had global responsibility for sustainability strategy and oversaw government and community relations.


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